Oregon Tuba Association

Tuba Carol Concert 2024

Tuesday, November 5th, 2024By ortubaUncategorized0 comment

The Oregon Tuba Association will host our annual Tuba Carol Concert on December 7, 2024.  Concert will be at 12:00 p.m. at Two Rivers/Dos Rios Elementary School in Springfield, OR.  (1084 G St. Springfield, OR 97477).


Any tuba/euphonium/sousaphone players who would like to join us are welcome!  Registration will be at 8:30 a.m.  and rehearsal will be from 9:00-11:00.  Bring a lunch, since it is hard to go out for food and get back in time!!

Cost is $5.00, with grades 6-12 no charge.  Music available for download; a limited number will be available on site.  Please do email us for the download music in advance; there will be some changes in our repertoire.  When emailing, please advise which part you’d like to play (high part Euph 1, Tuba 1; low part Euph 2, Tuba 2, and euphs, please advise bass or treble clef).  Contact us at oregontubaassociation@gmail.com

Remember to wear festive holiday attire, and don’t forget your Santa Hat!

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